Leslee Gibbs Expressive Art Therapist


I work with school-aged children, adolescents and adults. Issues addressed include anxiety, addiction, stress, resilience, mindfulness, work/life balance, grief and loss.

Group Expressive Arts Therapy

Respecting the inherent dignity of each individual and the group as a whole, I provide Expressive Arts Therapy for men, women or co-ed groups. My present focus is in the area of addiction recovery. The goal of each session is to create opportunities for clients to engage their imagination, curiosity and creativity to enhance self awareness, build self esteem, and promote positively directional growth. I am often deeply moved by the quiet focus of individuals and groups as they immerse themselves in the process. It seems to me the healing aspect of creativity is tangible in these moments.

I am accepting new contracts with recovery treatment centres in the Greater Vancouver Area.

Individual Expressive Arts Therapy

Location - Kerrisdale, Vancouver

I'm currently accepting new clients for individual therapy. Therapy sessions are approximately 80 minutes in length.

Free 30 minute consultation. We will explore your goals for therapy and how I might be of help to you. I invite you to contact me to see if we might be a good fit.